Hopeman's Legacy

I J Parnham

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Hopeman's Legacy“

When Leopold Hopeman bequeaths his fortune to the townsfolk of Little Creek, they use the money wisely and found the prosperous Hopeman Town. But with the booming settlement attracting men who want only personal gain, Mayor Tucker hires former Pinkerton detective Nimrod Dunn to find out why the fortune is now being squandered. Nimrod soon uncovers the likely culprit, but his investigation takes a strange twist when he learns that Mayor Tucker has a dark secret and that he might not be the benevolent man everyone thinks he is. With Nimrod both carrying out an investigation for the mayor and at the same time investigating him, he'll need all his cunning to uncover the truth while staying one step ahead of the many guns lining up against him.


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 93





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