Extinction Event

Dan Abnett

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Extinction Event“

Strange anomalies are ripping holes in the fabric of time, allowing creatures from distant past and far future to roam the modern world. Evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter and his team must track down and capture these dangerous creatures and try to put them back where they belong. An Entelodon goes on the rampage down Oxford Street in central London causing untold damage and loss of life, and Cutter decides a new approach to tackling the anomalies is needed. When a mysterious Russian scientist arrives at the ARC, the Primeval team think they might have found the answer...

Über Dan Abnett

Dan Abnett, Jahrgang 1965, ist Comic-Autor und Schriftsteller. Mit seinen Romanen für das „Warhammer 40,000“-Universum, unter anderem die beliebte Gaunts-Geister-Serie und die Eisenhorn-Romane, hat er weltweit zahlreiche Science-Fiction-Fans gewonnen. Dan Abnett lebt in Kent.


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