In English please!
How is your English? Are you regularly mistaken for a Native speaker, is your English mediocre or literally “under all pig“?
There might be some souls out there who proclaim the decline of English as the leading language in international relations and business. However, it is quite clear that these days are (if they are ever to come) still far in the future. Admittedly, China’s rising influence in the world means that the Chinese language might one day become as important as English. Still, in our day and time, one can’t survive doing business internationally without being able to speak English. Good language skills always come in handy, no matter if you can communicate well with international business partners or whether it is only to speak to locals while travelling in foreign countries.
The perfect way to improve language skills is by reading books that are written in English. As you might have noticed already, Skoobe does not only provide countless German titles, but equally offers a great variety of books in different foreign languages by renowned authors. Among them are many books by authors from the English-speaking world and how better to learn a language than from skillful masters who artfully craft impressive and successful novels? It might be true that translations into the German language of titles that are originally written in English are almost impeccable. Still, one would argue that it is always best to enjoy a true masterpiece in its original language. Therefore, we have assembled ten outstanding novels in their English original that will improve your language skills and at the same time entertain and impress you with their gripping stories. There are no more excuses, so always remember: Yes, you can!
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