The Picture House Girls - A beautiful, heartwarming wartime saga series from Patricia McBride for 2024 (Unabridged)

Patricia McBride

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The Picture House Girls - A beautiful, heartwarming wartime saga series from Patricia McBride for 2024 (Unabridged)“

Her fresh start is just beginning. But the world is on the brink of war.England, 1939. Lily Baker wants more from life. Working at the local cinema, she saves her pennies so she can have a chance to get ahead. After she's attacked one night while locking up the cinema, she loses her heart to her dashing rescuer...But this lovely man is as different from her as can be. When the town is divided, pitting the wealthy elite against the poor working class folk like Lily, she finds her allegiance is torn.And worse: the looming threat of war threatens to separate them forever. Will the dangerous times rob a young woman of her only chance at love?The heartwarming first book in The Lily Baker Series, perfect for fans of Elaine Everest, Vicki Beeby and Daisy Styles.

Gelesen von:

Gemma Lawrence


Boldwood Books




8 Std. 2 Min.





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