You like me, don’t you? So, how about we give dating a try?

Kota Nozomi

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Beschreibung zu „You like me, don’t you? So, how about we give dating a try?“

The second volume of the romantic comedy between an introverted young boy and his beautiful senpai!

“No matter who you’re with, you’ve always got me on your mind, huh? Sheesh. What are you, into me or something?”

A month has passed since the day the unlikely pairing of Kuroya and Shiramori, the prettiest girl at school, started their “trial dating” period. An introvert, Kuroya has never had any experience with love before, and he finds his days filled with both vexing frustration and absolute bliss. One day, he suddenly receives an expected invitation from Shiramori.

“Why don’t we try going on a date?”

They walked through the streets, sat next to each other on the train, and toured the various stores around the station, slowly learning sides that only lovers show eachother.

“It was written all over your face. ‘I’m so blessed to be able to go on a date with Kasumi!’”

Even though they’re dating now, the teasing never stops in the second volume of this sickeningly sweet youth romantic comedy following Kuroya and his flirtatious senpai!






ca. 116





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