When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace: Volume 6

Kota Nozomi


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Beschreibung zu „When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace: Volume 6“

Andou Jurai and Sagami Shizumu have a complicated relationship, to say the least. Although Andou claims the two of them are “more than acquaintances but less than friends,” it’s plain to see that there’s more to it than that—and just as obvious that Andou would really rather not talk about it. Some things feel better left forgotten, and for Andou, many such things happened when he was in the eighth grade. After all, that was when he met Sagami and they really were friends, and worse yet, it was when he’d stopped being a chronically edgy chuuni cringelord.

What painful feelings lurk within Andou’s memories of the darkest period of his life? How did his friendship with Sagami deteriorate into the lukewarm tolerance they have now? And why did Andou emerge from the crucible as Guiltia Sin Jurai? For Sayumi’s sake, he’s finally willing to bare it all...


J-Novel Club




ca. 193





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