Tod bei der Fahne

Fälle aus MFS, Polizei und NVA

Klaus Behling Jan Eik


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Beschreibung zu „Tod bei der Fahne“

Die bewaffneten Organe, Polizei, MfS und Armee agierten in der DDR oft, wie auch in anderen Ländern, als Staat im Staate. So wurden Vorkommnisse bei denen Menschen zu Schaden oder zu Tode kamen möglichst "intern" geklärt. Das führte dazu, dass nicht einmal Familienangehörige über die wirklichen Umstände von tragischen ereignissen ins Bild gesetzt wurden. Die Autoren haben nach umfangreichem Aktenstudium Fälle zusammengetragen wo Vertuschung und kriminelles Vorgehen oft Hand in Hand gingen.

Über Klaus Behling

Klaus Behling

Born 1949, studied Asian Studies at the Humboldt University Berlin with a focus on Cambodian language and culture. He worked as a diplomat in Laos and Cambodia from 1972 to 1977, as cultural attaché in Romania from 1981 to 1987. After the reunification Behling worked as senior assistant at the Institute for International Relations in Potsdam as an Indochina expert. From 1991 until his retirement, he was a journalist with Springer Publishing. Behling published work on topics such as GDR espionage, the news service of the National People's Army, and the allied military missions in Germany.

Andreas Jüttemann

Born 1985, studied Psychology and Urban Planning with a focus on cultural and political psychology at the Free University Berlin and in Bremen. He had already discovered his personal field of interest "historical urbanistics" during his school days. In 2010 he founded a small tour guide company alongside his studies, with which he was able to offer the first guided tours of the former allied listening station on the Berlin Teufelsberg, which had been inaccessible for 40 years.

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Edition Berolina




ca. 187





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