The Horse of the Invisible

William Hope Hodgson

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Beschreibung zu „The Horse of the Invisible“

William Hope Hodgson's 'The Horse of the Invisible' is a masterful work of supernatural fiction that explores the mysterious and eerie world of the occult. Set in a remote English village, the story follows a group of characters as they unravel the secrets of a haunting presence that threatens their very existence. Hodgson's vivid descriptions and captivating narrative style create a sense of dread and unease that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. This work is a prime example of early 20th-century horror literature, showcasing Hodgson's talent for creating a chilling atmosphere and building tension throughout the story. The Horse of the Invisible is a must-read for fans of gothic and supernatural fiction, offering a gripping and immersive reading experience that will leave a lasting impression. William Hope Hodgson's own background as a sailor and his interest in the occult likely influenced the creation of this haunting tale, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative.


Good Press




ca. 30





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