An Act in a Backwater

E. F. Benson

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Beschreibung zu „An Act in a Backwater“

E. F. Benson's 'An Act in a Backwater' is a fascinating exploration of human nature and societal norms in a rural English setting. The novel delves into the lives of inhabitants of a small village, highlighting the tensions, secrets, and complexities that define their interactions. Benson's lyrical prose and attention to detail immerse the reader in the lush English countryside, enhancing the sense of place and time. The book's introspective narrative style invites readers to reflect on the characters' motivations and actions, ultimately revealing a deeper understanding of human relationships and societal expectations in the early 20th century. Benson showcases his talent for character development and psychological insight, making 'An Act in a Backwater' a compelling read for those interested in classic British literature and social commentary. The author's personal experiences living in rural England and his keen observations of human behavior likely inspired this thought-provoking exploration of village life.


Good Press




ca. 177





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