Oswald Bastable and Others

Edith Nesbit

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Beschreibung zu „Oswald Bastable and Others“

In Edith Nesbit's 'Oswald Bastable and Others', readers are drawn into a collection of interconnected stories that follow the adventures of the Bastable siblings and other fascinating characters. Nesbit's literary style combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and social commentary, making the book both entertaining and thought-provoking. Set in the late 19th century, the stories provide a rich literary context that sheds light on the social issues of the time, while also offering timeless themes of friendship, family, and courage. Nesbit's vivid and engaging storytelling captivates readers of all ages, making 'Oswald Bastable and Others' a classic work of children's literature that continues to resonate with modern audiences. Edith Nesbit, known for her pioneering work in children's literature, drew inspiration from her own experiences as a mother and educator. Her innovative approach to storytelling and her commitment to addressing social issues through literature set her apart as a unique voice in the Victorian era. It is no surprise that 'Oswald Bastable and Others' showcases Nesbit's talent for blending entertainment with moral lessons and social critique. I highly recommend 'Oswald Bastable and Others' to readers who enjoy classic children's literature with depth and substance. Edith Nesbit's timeless stories are sure to enchant and inspire readers of all ages, making this collection a must-read for anyone seeking both entertainment and thoughtful reflection.

Über Edith Nesbit

Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) mainly wrote fictional works for children, most notably The Story of the Treasure (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899). This English author and political activist also co-founded the Fabian Society, an early ancestor to England’s current Labour Party. Although Nesbit redesigned children’s literature by writing stories with realistic characters in realistic, modern situations, she also wrote political works on socialism and some stories for adults.


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