The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes

Victor Maximilian Berthold

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Beschreibung zu „The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes“

Victor Maximilian Berthold's 'The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes' is a meticulous and comprehensive study of the Nesbitt series of envelopes, focusing on the various die varieties and their significance. Berthold's detailed analysis not only provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the design and production of these envelopes but also sheds light on the historical context in which they were issued. The book's scholarly approach and thorough examination make it an essential reference for philatelists and historians alike. Victor Maximilian Berthold, a leading expert in philately and postal history, brings his extensive knowledge and expertise to 'The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes'. His passion for stamps and postal artifacts is evident in his meticulous research and attention to detail, making this book a valuable contribution to the field. I highly recommend 'The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes' to collectors, historians, and anyone interested in the intricate world of philately. Berthold's work is not only informative but also engaging, offering a unique glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of postal history.


Good Press




ca. 96





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