Stamp Collecting as a Pastime

Edward J. Nankivell

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Beschreibung zu „Stamp Collecting as a Pastime“

In 'Stamp Collecting as a Pastime' by Edward J. Nankivell, the author delves into the art and history of philately, offering a comprehensive guide to the world of stamp collecting. Nankivell's writing style is engaging and informative, making the book accessible to both beginners and seasoned collectors. Through detailed descriptions of different types of stamps, their designs, and the stories behind them, the author provides readers with a deeper appreciation for this popular hobby. The book also explores the cultural and societal significance of stamp collecting, placing it within the broader context of collecting and preserving history. Edward J. Nankivell's meticulous research and passion for the subject shine through in every page, making 'Stamp Collecting as a Pastime' a valuable resource for enthusiasts and scholars alike. Nankivell's expertise in the field, combined with his eloquent writing style, makes this book a must-read for anyone interested in the world of philately.


Good Press




ca. 76





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