The Romance of Book-Collecting

J. Herbert Slater

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Beschreibung zu „The Romance of Book-Collecting“

In 'The Romance of Book-Collecting' by J. Herbert Slater, readers are taken on a literary journey through the world of book collecting. Slater beautifully intertwines anecdotes, historical facts, and personal insights to create a rich tapestry of the joy and passion of collecting books. Written in a charming and engaging style, the book not only explores the value of books as material objects but also delves into the emotional connection that collectors have with their treasures. This work is a valuable contribution to the field of bibliophilia, offering a unique blend of scholarship and sentimentality. Slater's expertise shines through in his meticulous attention to detail and deep understanding of the subject matter. His love for books is evident in every page, making this book a delightful read for any book lover. 'The Romance of Book-Collecting' is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of book collecting or the allure of bibliomania.


Good Press




ca. 112





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