Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom Volume 3

Tomoaki Amagi


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Beschreibung zu „Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom Volume 3“

Zilbagias has managed to just barely avoid his identity being revealed by Faravgi’s departed soul. For better or for worse, this has meant revealing his plans to Layla and, in turn, bolstering his relationship with her. At the same time, he has begun making inroads with the lich Enma, her undead being another lynchpin in the demonic kingdom Zilbagias plans to exploit. But, as always, things can only look up for so long before the looming reality crashes down around him—this time in the form of his deployment to the front lines. With the plans all but set in stone, Zilbagias is sent to the Rage family territory to make preparations for his first personal assault on the Panhuman Alliance.


J-Novel Club




ca. 244





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