Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom Volume 2

Tomoaki Amagi


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Beschreibung zu „Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom Volume 2“

In five short years, Zilbagias has made vast strides in the demonic kingdom. Between his miraculous transformation after visiting the Abyss and his formed contract with the Devil God of Taboo, his acquisition of a high elf pet which gave him access to healing miracles unprecedented among the denizens of the dark, and his remarkable displays of combat prowess, he quickly sets himself apart as a prodigy among the demons. While his unnatural talents have made it difficult to keep his disguise intact, with active duty close at hand, his cover—and his resolve—will soon be tested in brand-new, terrible ways. Luckily, his first excursion is just to clear out a band of goblin deserters. Should be simple enough, right?


J-Novel Club




ca. 254





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