Enough with This Slow Life! I Was Reincarnated as a High Elf and Now I'm Bored: Volume 1



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Beschreibung zu „Enough with This Slow Life! I Was Reincarnated as a High Elf and Now I'm Bored: Volume 1“

Life in the Great Pulha Woodlands is the very definition of stillness and tranquility—and Acer’s had enough of it!
That’s right. Acer isn’t quite like the other high elves of the forest. For starters, he remembers living a past life as a human in another world...meaning he’s got a taste for meat, adventure, and plenty of other decidedly un-elven things! He’s also bored out of his skull after 120 years of the peace and quiet of their serene sylvan lifestyle. So with nothing more than his trusty bow, a bundle of life-giving fruit, and his close bond with the spirits of nature, Acer leaves the monotony of the forest behind to seek a new life, one that’s more his pace. See what excitement awaits in the outside world full of humans, dwarves, and even other elves!


J-Novel Club




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