University Education in Ireland

Samuel Haughton

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Beschreibung zu „University Education in Ireland“

In 'University Education in Ireland' by Samuel Haughton, the author provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical development and current state of higher education in Ireland. Written with a scholarly tone and meticulous attention to detail, Haughton explores the challenges and opportunities facing universities in Ireland, from curriculum design to funding sources. Drawing on his expertise as a renowned mathematician and physicist, Haughton delves into the importance of a well-rounded education and the role of universities in shaping society. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of education, history, and politics in Ireland. A must-read for academics and policy makers alike. Samuel Haughton, a prominent Irish scientist and educator, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to 'University Education in Ireland'. With a deep commitment to academic excellence and a passion for advancing educational opportunities, Haughton offers valuable insights and perspectives on the challenges facing higher education institutions. His expertise and research contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse on education policy and practice. 'University Education in Ireland' is highly recommended to readers seeking a nuanced understanding of the Irish educational landscape and its implications for the future.


Good Press




ca. 14





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