Three Last Plays: Sancho's Master

Lady Augusta Gregory

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Beschreibung zu „Three Last Plays: Sancho's Master“

Lady Augusta Gregory's 'Three Last Plays: Sancho's Master' delves into the complexities of Irish society through three thought-provoking plays. The plays are deeply rooted in Irish mythology and folklore, portraying the struggles and triumphs of the Irish people. Gregory's literary style is rich in poetic language and symbolism, weaving together themes of identity, freedom, and the impact of history on modern society. Set in a historical context, the plays offer a unique perspective on the Irish experience. Lady Augusta Gregory, a prominent figure in the Irish Literary Revival, draws inspiration from her Irish heritage and her deep connection to the land. Her intimate knowledge of Irish culture and history shines through in every page of 'Three Last Plays: Sancho's Master'. This collection is a must-read for anyone interested in Irish literature, history, and culture, offering valuable insights into the complexities of Irish society and the enduring spirit of the Irish people.


Good Press




ca. 67





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