English Interference with Irish Industries

J. G. Swift MacNeill

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Beschreibung zu „English Interference with Irish Industries“

In 'English Interference with Irish Industries' by J. G. Swift MacNeill, the author dives into the detrimental effects of English interference on Irish industries during the 19th century, focusing primarily on the textile and agricultural sectors. Through detailed analysis and research, MacNeill explores the economic repercussions of these interferences, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect of Irish economic history. The book is written in a clear and straightforward style, making it accessible to a wide range of readers interested in the subject. MacNeill's work is a significant contribution to the understanding of Irish economic development and the impact of external forces on the country's industrial growth. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars and researchers studying Irish economic history and the relationship between Ireland and England during this period. 'English Interference with Irish Industries' is a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of Irish economic struggles and the complexities of colonial interference.


Good Press




ca. 77





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