Treasure Island (A Children's Classic)

Adventure Tale of Buccaneers and Buried Gold

Robert Louis Stevenson

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Beschreibung zu „Treasure Island (A Children's Classic)“

Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of "buccaneers and buried gold". Stevenson conceived of the idea of Treasure Island (originally titled, "The Sea Cook: A Story for Boys") from a map of an imaginary, romantic island idly drawn by Stevenson and his stepson on a rainy day in Braemar, Scotland. Plot: An old sailor, calling himself "the captain" comes to lodge at the Admiral Benbow Inn on the west English coast during the mid-1700s, paying the innkeeper's son, Jim Hawkins, a few pennies to keep a lookout for a one-legged "seafaring man." A seaman with intact legs shows up, frightening Billy — who drinks far too much rum — into a stroke, and Billy tells Jim that his former shipmates covet the contents of his sea chest. After a visit from yet another man, Billy has another stroke and dies; Jim and his mother (his father has also died just a few days before) unlock the sea chest, finding some money, a journal, and a map. The local physician, Dr. Livesey, deduces that the map is of an island where a deceased pirate — Captain Flint — buried a vast treasure. The district squire, Trelawney, proposes buying a ship and going after the treasure, taking Livesey as ship's doctor and Jim as cabin boy….
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world.

Über Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), geboren in Edinburgh, wollte zunächst Ingenieur werden wie sein Vater, musste diesen Plan jedoch aufgeben, weil er schon früh an einem Lungenleiden erkrankte. Er studierte stattdessen Jura und arbeitete anschließend für verschiedene Zeitschriften. Seinen ersten großen literarischen Erfolg feierte er 1883 mit seiner Abenteuergeschichte «Die Schatzinsel», weitere mit unheimlichen Geschichten in der Nachfolge E. A. Poes. Seine Einkünfte erlaubten dem gebürtigen Schotten lebenslanges Reisen auf der Suche nach einem Klima, das bekömmlicher war als das heimische. Er fand es auf Samoa, wo er im Alter von 44 Jahren starb.


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