Deadly Sails - Complete Collection

History of Pirates, Trues Stories about the Most Notorious Pirates & Most Famous Pirate Novels

Alexandre Dumas Jules Verne Charles Dickens Edgar Allan Poe Robert Louis Stevenson Arthur Conan Doyle Jack London James Fenimore Cooper Washington Irving Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „Deadly Sails - Complete Collection“

e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates.
History of Pirates of the Caribbean:
The King of Pirates: Of Captain Avery, And his Crew
Captain Martel
Captain Teach, alias Blackbeard
Edward England
Charles Vane
Mary Read
Anne Bonny
John Bowen
The Trial of the Pirates at Providence
The Pirate Gow
The Pirates of Panama…
Novels & Stories:
Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson)
The Pirate (Walter Scott)
Blackbeard: Buccaneer (Ralph D. Paine)
Pieces of Eight (Richard Le Gallienne)
The Gold-Bug (Edgar Allan Poe)
Jack London:
Hearts of Three
Tales of the Fish Patrol
Daniel Defoe:
Robinson Crusoe
Captain Singleton
Jules Verne:
The Mysterious Island
Facing the Flag
The Dark Frigate (Charles Boardman Hawes)
Peter Pan and Wendy (J. M. Barrie)
The Dealings of Captain Sharkey (Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Pirate (Frederick Marryat)
The Madman and the Pirate (R. M. Ballantyne)
The Pirate City (R. M. Ballantyne)
Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader (R. M. Ballantyne)
Captain Boldheart& the Latin-Grammar Master (Charles Dickens)
The Master Key (L. Frank Baum)
A Man to His Mate (J. Allan Dunn)
The Isle of Pirate's Doom (Robert E. Howard)
Queen of the Black Coast (Robert E. Howard)
James Fenimore Cooper:
Afloat and Ashore
Homeward Bound
The Red Rover
The Rose of Paradise (Howard Pyle)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
The Ghost Pirates (William Hope Hodgson)
The Offshore Pirate (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Harry Collingwood:
A Pirate of the Caribbees
The Pirate Island
Among Malay Pirates (G. A. Henty)
Great Pirate Stories (Joseph L. French)
Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain (Maturin Murray Ballou)
The Dark Frigate (Charles B. Hawes)
Kidd the Pirate (Washington Irving)
The Death Ship (William Clark Russell)
The Iron Pirate (Max Pemberton)…

Über Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) erhielt nur eine dürftige Schulbildung, feierte aber schon 1824 rauschende Erfolge als Theaterautor. Ab 1844 schuf er mit Abenteuerromanen wie «Die drei Musketiere» und «Der Graf von Monte Christo» Klassiker der Unterhaltungsliteratur. Ihm werden zahllose Affären nachgesagt.






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