The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures

Blackbeard, Captain Blood, Facing the Flag, Treasure Island, The Gold-Bug, Captain Singleton…

Alexandre Dumas Jules Verne Charles Dickens Daniel Defoe Edgar Allan Poe Robert Louis Stevenson Arthur Conan Doyle Jack London James Fenimore Cooper Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures“

This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Blackbeard: Buccaneer (R. D. Paine)
Pieces of Eight (Le Gallienne)
Gold-Bug (Edgar A. Poe)
The Dark Frigate (C. B. Hawes)
Hearts of Three (Jack London)
Captain Singleton (Defoe)
Swords of Red Brotherhood (Howard)
Queen of Black Coast (Howard)
Afloat and Ashore (James F. Cooper)
Pirate Gow (Defoe)
The King of Pirates (Defoe)
Barbarossa—King of the Corsairs (E. H. Currey)
Homeward Bound (James F. Cooper)
Red Rover (Cooper)
The Pirate (Walter Scott)
Book of Pirates (Howard Pyle)
Under the Waves (R. M. Ballantyne)
Rose of Paradise (Howard Pyle)
Tales of the Fish Patrol (Jack London)
Peter Pan and Wendy (J. M. Barrie)
Captain Sharkey (Arthur Conan Doyle)
The Pirate (Frederick Marryat)
Three Cutters (Marryat)
Madman and the Pirate (R. M. Ballantyne)
Coral Island (Ballantyne)
Pirate City (Ballantyne)
Gascoyne (Ballantyne)
Facing the Flag (Jules Verne)
Captain Boldheart (Dickens)
Mysterious Island (Jules Verne)
Master Key (L. Frank Baum)
A Man to His Mate (J. Allan Dunn)
Isle of Pirate's Doom (Robert E. Howard)
Black Vulmea (Howard)
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)
Count of Monte Cristo (A. Dumas)
Ghost Pirates (W. H. Hodgson)
Offshore Pirate (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
The Piccaroon (Michael Scott)
The Capture of Panama, 1671 (John Esquemeling)
The Malay Proas (James Fenimore Cooper)
The Wonderful Fight of the Exchange of Bristol With the Pirates of Algiers (Samuel Purchas)
The Daughter of the Great Mogul (Defoe)
Morgan at Puerto Bello
Among Malay Pirates: A Tale of Adventure and Peril
The Ways of the Buccaneers
A True Account of Three Notorious Pirates
Narrative of the Capture of the Ship Derby, 1735
Francis Lolonois
The Fight Between the Dorrill and the Moca
Jaddi the Malay Pirate
The Terrible Ladrones
The Female Captive
The Passing of Mogul Mackenzie
The Last of the Sea-Rovers
Pagan Madonna...

Über Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) erhielt nur eine dürftige Schulbildung, feierte aber schon 1824 rauschende Erfolge als Theaterautor. Ab 1844 schuf er mit Abenteuerromanen wie «Die drei Musketiere» und «Der Graf von Monte Christo» Klassiker der Unterhaltungsliteratur. Ihm werden zahllose Affären nachgesagt.


Musaicum Books




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