A Catechism and Confession of Faith: Quakers Doctrine

Robert Barclay

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Beschreibung zu „A Catechism and Confession of Faith: Quakers Doctrine“

A Catechism and Confession of Faith is a religious work by a Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay which provides a closer look at the beliefs of people in the Religious Society of Friends. Members of the Quaker movements are generally united by a belief in the ability of each human being to experience and access the light within or to see that of God in every one.
The works is approved of, and agreed to by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles of the Religious Society of Friends. The book contains a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers.


Musaicum Books




ca. 104





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