The Message and Mission of Quakerism

Henry T. Hodgkin William C. Braithwaite

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Beschreibung zu „The Message and Mission of Quakerism“

The Message and Mission of Quakerism offers an illuminating exploration into the foundational beliefs, diverse literary expressions, and the profound impact of Quakerism on both individual lives and the larger societal fabric. This anthology encapsulates a wide range of literary styles, from theological discourse to reflective essays, encompassing the rich, varied tapestry of Quaker thought and its relevance through the ages. Standout pieces within the collection exemplify the Quaker tenets of peace, simplicity, integrity, and community, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its spiritual and social ethos. The contributing editors, Henry T. Hodgkin and William C. Braithwaite, are esteemed figures within the Quaker community, each bringing their unique historical and cultural insights to the compilation. The collection aligns with significant historical and cultural movements, showcasing how Quakerism has intersected with and influenced pivotal moments in history, from abolitionism to the civil rights movement. Their collective editorial vision bridges diverse epochs and geographies, weaving a coherent narrative that enriches the readers understanding of Quakerisms enduring legacy and adaptability. This anthology is recommended for anyone interested in the intersection of faith, activism, and literary expression. The Message and Mission of Quakerism provides a unique opportunity to delve into a multiplicity of perspectives, exploring the depth and breadth of Quakerisms influence on individuals and societies alike. Readers will find educational value in the diverse viewpoints, an appreciation for the anthology's contributions to understanding complex religious and societal questions, and an invitation to engage in the ongoing dialogue between past and present Quaker thought.


Good Press




ca. 59





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