On Membership in the Society of Friends

Robert Barclay of Tottenham

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Beschreibung zu „On Membership in the Society of Friends“

Robert Barclay of Tottenham's book, 'On Membership in the Society of Friends,' delves into the core beliefs and practices of the Quaker faith. Written in a clear and concise style, Barclay explores the principles of simplicity, equality, and community that define the Society of Friends. Drawing on both scripture and personal reflection, he offers a thought-provoking analysis of what it means to be a member of this unique religious group in the context of the 17th century. Barclay's work is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the Quaker tradition and its enduring significance. His intimate knowledge of Quaker beliefs and practices shines through in every chapter, making this book an essential read for scholars and seekers alike. By delving into the heart of Quaker spirituality, Barclay invites readers to consider their own relationship to faith and community, making 'On Membership in the Society of Friends' a must-read for anyone interested in religious history and philosophy.


Good Press




ca. 66





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