Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Matthew

Richard Francis Weymouth

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Beschreibung zu „Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Matthew“

Richard Francis Weymouth's 'Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Matthew' offers readers a unique and updated version of the Gospel of Matthew, presented in modern language for clearer understanding and accessibility. Weymouth's translation style bridges the gap between traditional biblical language and contemporary readability, making this book a valuable resource for scholars, students, and general readers who wish to engage with the teachings of the New Testament in a fresh and contemporary way. The detailed footnotes and annotations provided by Weymouth enhance the reader's understanding of the text, offering insights into the historical and cultural context of the scripture. This edition of Matthew stands out as a significant contribution to biblical scholarship, appealing to a wide range of readers looking for a thoughtful and well-researched interpretation of the Gospel narrative.


Good Press




ca. 78





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