Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 Corinthians

Richard Francis Weymouth

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Beschreibung zu „Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 Corinthians“

In 'Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 Corinthians,' Richard Francis Weymouth presents the classic biblical text of 1 Corinthians in a modern and easily understandable form. Weymouth's translation style brings a fresh perspective to the ancient text, making it accessible to contemporary readers while remaining faithful to the original content. This book serves as a valuable tool for those seeking to engage with the teachings and message of the Apostle Paul in a more contemporary context, providing clarity and insight into the text's meaning and relevance today. Weymouth's translation is both scholarly and approachable, making it suitable for both academic study and personal reflection. Weymouth's expertise in biblical translation and interpretation shines through in this meticulously crafted rendition of 1 Corinthians, offering readers a new way to appreciate this important epistle.


Good Press




ca. 35





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