Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 John

Unlocking the Wisdom of 1 John: A Modern Translation for Today's Readers

Richard Francis Weymouth

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Beschreibung zu „Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 John“

Richard Francis Weymouth's 'Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 1 John' offers readers a unique and accessible translation of the biblical text of 1 John, presented in a modern and easy-to-understand language. Weymouth's literary style in this work reflects his goal of making the teachings of the New Testament more clear and engaging for contemporary readers. The translation maintains the essence of the original text while providing a fresh perspective for readers seeking a deeper understanding of 1 John's message. Weymouth's dedication to accuracy and readability shines through in this rendition of the biblical text. This edition of 1 John serves as a valuable resource for both scholars and lay readers looking to explore the teachings of the New Testament in a new light. Weymouth's expertise in biblical translation and his commitment to bridging the gap between ancient scripture and modern readers make this translation a must-read for anyone interested in delving into the wisdom of 1 John.


Good Press




ca. 9





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