The Railway Man and His Children

Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „The Railway Man and His Children“

In 'The Railway Man and His Children' by Mrs. Oliphant, the reader is transported into a world of family dynamics and societal pressures. Written in the 19th century, the novel explores the challenges faced by a railway man in balancing his work life with his role as a father. Mrs. Oliphant's literary style is characterized by detailed descriptions and nuanced characterization, providing a vivid picture of Victorian England. The book's exploration of gender roles and class distinctions adds depth to the narrative, making it a classic of its time. This novel is a must-read for those interested in historical fiction and social commentary. Mrs. Oliphant's keen insight into human nature and her ability to capture the complexities of family relationships make this a compelling read for both enthusiasts of Victorian literature and modern readers alike.


Good Press




ca. 604





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