A House in Bloomsbury

Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „A House in Bloomsbury“

Mrs. Oliphant's 'A House in Bloomsbury' is a captivating novel that explores the interconnected lives of a group of characters residing in London's prestigious Bloomsbury neighborhood. Through her rich and detailed narrative style, Mrs. Oliphant delves into themes of love, friendship, and societal expectations in Victorian England. The book is written in a compelling manner that draws readers into the characters' world, and reflects the author's keen observation of human behavior and social norms of the time. 'A House in Bloomsbury' stands out as a prime example of 19th-century British literature, offering insights into the complexities of relationships and class dynamics during this era. Mrs. Oliphant's astute characterizations and vivid descriptions provide a nuanced portrayal of life in Bloomsbury, making this novel a must-read for fans of classic literature and historical fiction.


Good Press




ca. 234





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