The Doctor's Family

Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „The Doctor's Family“

In Mrs. Oliphant's novel, 'The Doctor's Family,' readers are immersed in a story that delves into the complexities of family dynamics, societal expectations, and class distinctions. Set in the Victorian era, the book explores the lives of Dr. Edward Rider and his family as they navigate their relationships and societal roles. Mrs. Oliphant's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions, insightful characterizations, and a keen observation of human nature, all of which are evident in this compelling narrative. The novel's rich historical context provides readers with a detailed glimpse into the social norms and values of the time, making it a valuable piece of Victorian literature. As a prolific Victorian author, Mrs. Oliphant's own experiences and observations likely influenced her nuanced portrayal of family life in 'The Doctor's Family.' Her deep understanding of human relationships and societal structures shines through in this thought-provoking work, offering readers a captivating exploration of Victorian society. I highly recommend 'The Doctor's Family' to readers interested in Victorian literature, family dramas, and nuanced character studies.


Good Press




ca. 155





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