Directions for Cooking by Troops, in Camp and Hospital

Prepared for the Army of Virginia, and published by order of the Surgeon General, with essays on "taking food," and "what food."

Florence Nightingale

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Beschreibung zu „Directions for Cooking by Troops, in Camp and Hospital“

Florence Nightingale's 'Directions for Cooking by Troops, in Camp and Hospital' is a pioneering work that revolutionized the way food was prepared for soldiers and patients during the Crimean War. Published in 1859, this book offers practical advice on cooking for large groups, emphasizing the importance of nutrition and hygiene in maintaining the health of troops. Nightingale's precise instructions and emphasis on the use of fresh ingredients set this book apart from other military cookbooks of the time, showcasing her attention to detail and dedication to improving the quality of care provided to those in need. The straightforward language and step-by-step recipes make this book accessible to readers of all backgrounds, and its historical significance cannot be understated. Nightingale's work laid the foundation for modern dietary standards in military and healthcare settings, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the history of nutrition and nursing.


Good Press




ca. 25





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