Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and War

Florence Nightingale

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Beschreibung zu „Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and War“

Florence Nightingale's 'Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and War' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the importance of introducing female nurses into military hospitals during times of peace and war. Nightingale's writing is characterized by its meticulous attention to detail and profound insight into the benefits of having women provide care in these settings. This book is a significant contribution to the history of nursing and the role of women in healthcare, highlighting the invaluable skills and compassion that female nurses bring to the field. Nightingale's work is a testament to the changing landscape of healthcare and the evolving roles of women in society. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the history of nursing and the impact of gender on healthcare practices.


Good Press




ca. 203





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