Camp Cookery. How to Live in Camp

Maria Parloa

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Beschreibung zu „Camp Cookery. How to Live in Camp“

Maria Parloa's 'Camp Cookery: How to Live in Camp' is a pioneering work in the field of outdoor cooking and camping. Written in a clear and practical style, the book provides detailed instructions on how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals in the wilderness. Parloa's emphasis on proper nutrition and efficient meal planning sets this book apart as a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their outdoor cooking skills. Drawing on her extensive experience as a cooking teacher and author, Parloa showcases a wide range of recipes suitable for camping, from hearty stews to sweet treats cooked over an open fire. This book represents a significant contribution to the literature on outdoor living and remains relevant to this day. Maria Parloa's expertise shines through in every page, making 'Camp Cookery' an essential read for outdoor enthusiasts and amateur cooks alike.


Good Press




ca. 38





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