Shelley at Oxford

Thomas Jefferson Hogg

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Beschreibung zu „Shelley at Oxford“

In 'Shelley at Oxford,' Thomas Jefferson Hogg presents a captivating look into the life and times of the renowned poet Percy Bysshe Shelley during his time at Oxford University. Hogg's detailed account provides insight into Shelley's early influences, friendships, and intellectual development, shedding light on the formative years of this literary figure. The book is a blend of biography, literary analysis, and historical context, offering a comprehensive perspective on Shelley's experiences at Oxford and their impact on his later work. Hogg's writing is both informative and engaging, making it a valuable resource for scholars and readers interested in Romantic literature and the life of Shelley. Hogg's meticulous research and thoughtful analysis make 'Shelley at Oxford' a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of this influential poet and his formative years.


Good Press




ca. 117





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