A Publisher and His Friends

Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843

Samuel Smiles Thomas Mackay

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Beschreibung zu „A Publisher and His Friends“

In the book 'A Publisher and His Friends' by Samuel Smiles, the author delves into the world of publishing in 19th-century Britain. Through a series of vignettes, Smiles showcases the relationships between a publisher and his circle of friends, providing insights into the literary scene of the time. The book is written in a rich, descriptive style that immerses the reader in the social and intellectual milieu of the era, offering a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of publishers and writers of the time. Smiles combines historical accuracy with engaging storytelling, making this book a valuable resource for those interested in the history of publishing and literature. Samuel Smiles, a Scottish author and social reformer, wrote 'A Publisher and His Friends' as a way to shed light on the inner workings of the publishing industry and its impact on the literary world. With his background in writing and advocacy for self-help and improvement, Smiles brings a unique perspective to the topic, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the role of publishers in shaping literary culture. I highly recommend 'A Publisher and His Friends' to anyone interested in the history of publishing, literature, or 19th-century Britain. It is a captivating read that provides valuable insights into the world of books and the people behind them.


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