Coasting Bohemia

J. Comyns Carr

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Beschreibung zu „Coasting Bohemia“

In 'Coasting Bohemia' by J. Comyns Carr, the reader is swept into a vivid depiction of Bohemian life in the late 19th century. The narrative explores the adventures of a group of artists and intellectuals navigating the bustling streets of Paris and Prague, capturing the essence of the bohemian lifestyle through lyrical prose and colorful characters. The book sits comfortably within the literary context of the Decadent movement, with its emphasis on beauty, sensuality, and a rejection of conventional morality. Carr's elegant writing style and attention to detail immerse the reader in a world of art, passion, and rebellion, making 'Coasting Bohemia' a captivating read for those interested in exploring the unconventional side of society during this era. As an author with a keen interest in the arts and cultural movements of his time, Carr's personal experiences and observations likely informed the creation of this novel. His ability to weave together social commentary and artistic expression adds depth and richness to the narrative, making 'Coasting Bohemia' a compelling exploration of a bygone era. I highly recommend this book to readers who appreciate historical fiction, decadent literature, and vibrant character-driven stories.


Good Press




ca. 185





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