
Martha Grimes


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Beschreibung zu „Dust“

'Grimes's love of the offbeat, the whimsical and the absurd makes [the Richard Jury series] utterly unlike anyone else's detective novels.' (Washington Post)

Billy Maples, former patron of London's finest art galleries and current tenant of Lamb House in Rye - the late Henry James's residence - is found murdered in an upmarket hotel in London. Richard Jury, Scotland Yard's finest, finds himself faced with yet another perplexing investigation.

As Jury delves deeper into the fragments of the life Maples left behind, he finds himself entangled in a web of conflicting stories and false leads. Having enlisted the help of his faithful friend Melrose Plant, Jury must contend with both the case's lead detective, Lu Aguilar, and the surprise appearance of Maples's mysterious young nephew in order to crack the case.

Über Martha Grimes

Martha Grimes wurde in Pittsburgh geboren und studierte an der University of Maryland. Lange Zeit unterrichtete sie Kreatives Schreiben an der Johns-Hopkins-University. Mit ihren Inspektor-Jury-Romanen, die nach Meinung von Patricia Cornwell „reinste Poesie“ sind, erlangte sie internationalen Ruhm. Martha Grimes lebt heute abwechselnd in Washington, D.C., und in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


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