Apocalypsis - The Message

Book 3

Mario Giordano


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Beschreibung zu „Apocalypsis - The Message“

Two parallel, almost identical worlds. One corresponds to the year 2011, the other world exists two years later in 2013. One world is on the verge of destruction; the other is unaware of the pending apocalypse.

2011: When Franz Laurenz watches Edward Kelly's death on live television, he immediately flies back to Rome. He must save humanity from damnation.

2013: College professor Peter Adam has apocalyptic visions. When his wife and young daughter die in a plane crash, Peter learns their deaths are connected to the occult. He realizes too late that he is the key to everything. That he has long-since unleashed the evil. And that only he can stop the end of the world.

About the Series

Written by award-winning screenwriter and author Mario Giordano, "Apocalypsis" is gripping and explosive: what starts out as a sophisticated Vatican conspiracy soon develops into a uniquely intense and spectacular thriller.

APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel told in twelve installments per book. The entire saga is revealed throughout three complete novels; this is the complete third novel.

About the Author

Mario Giordano was born 1963 in Munich, studied psychology in Düsseldorf and writes novels for adults old and young as well as screenplays (his credits include Tatort, Schimanski, Polizeiruf 110, Das Experiment). He lives in Berlin.

Über Mario Giordano

Mario Giordano nacio? en Mu?nich en 1963 y estudio? Psicologi?a y Filosofi?a en la Universidad de Dusseldorf. En la actualidad vive en Colonia. Es novelista, autor de literatura juvenil y guionista tanto de cine (El ex- perimento) como de series de televisio?n (El lugar del crimen, Schimanski, Polizeiruf 110). Apocalipsis ha sido un best seller arrollador en Alemania y pronto sera? tra- ducida al ingle?s.


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