The Old Wine Shades

Martha Grimes


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Beschreibung zu „The Old Wine Shades“

Over the course of three nights, Harry - a stranger who sits down next to Jury one night in a London pub - spins a complicated story about a good friend of his whose wife, son and dog disappeared over nine-months ago during a house viewing in Surrey. There has been no trace of them and no clue as to what happened. But the dog has come back.

Dumbfounded, Jury wonders if Harry Johnson is just winding him up. Or did it really happen? When Jury investigates, all seems to be just as Harry described it. Until he finds the body...

Über Martha Grimes

Martha Grimes wurde in Pittsburgh geboren und studierte an der University of Maryland. Lange Zeit unterrichtete sie Kreatives Schreiben an der Johns-Hopkins-University. Mit ihren Inspektor-Jury-Romanen, die nach Meinung von Patricia Cornwell „reinste Poesie“ sind, erlangte sie internationalen Ruhm. Martha Grimes lebt heute abwechselnd in Washington, D.C., und in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Grove Press UK




ca. 285





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