Arizona Mayhem

Corba Sunman

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Arizona Mayhem“

Forder managed to get into a sitting position. He was half-turned away from Carter. His right hand was sliding inside his jacket, reaching into his left armpit. Carter watched him until the hand reappeared from the jacket, saw it was holding a gun, and lunged forward to grapple with him. While Carter was concentrating on Forder, Cassie produced a .41 derringer from under a cloth on the table and turned on him, her face contorted with desperation. She fired the weapon. The crash of the shot filled the small room with gun thunder. Carter felt the impact of the slug as if he had been struck by lightning. Pain lanced through him, although, momentarily, he had no idea where he had been hit. His sense of balance fled, and he became aware that the floor was coming up to hit him in the face. At the impact, he lost consciousness….


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 110





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