Feud at Broken Man

Frank Callan

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Feud at Broken Man“

Lord Harry Lacey, the youngest son of an English aristocrat, he has run away from debts at home to start a new life in America, using his skills with horses and guns to make a living as he journeys west to Colorado. Then he decides to give up his guns and start a new life as a public speaker in the new settlements where he believes people will be keen to experience culture. However, arriving in Broken Man en route for Denver, Lord Harry witnesses a young girl being badly wounded in crossfire and quickly learns that the town is being torn apart by a feud. Seeing an opportunity to do something useful, he tries to influence local leaders to resolve the situation - only to find that some disputes can only be settled with a gun.


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 111





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