Murder Will In

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Murder Will In“

Carolyn Wells' 'Murder Will In' is a gripping murder mystery novel that intricately weaves together suspense, cunning detectives, and unexpected plot twists. Written in the early 20th century, Wells' literary style reflects the classic mystery novels of the time, with a focus on the meticulous unraveling of clues and the dramatic resolution of the crime. The book's context within Golden Age detective fiction solidifies its place as a timeless classic in the genre. Readers will be engrossed in the intricate web of deceit and deception that Wells expertly crafts throughout the narrative. Carolyn Wells, a prolific American author, was known for her extensive contributions to mystery and detective fiction. Her keen interest in puzzles and crime-solving led her to create memorable characters and complex plots that continue to captivate audiences to this day. It is evident that Wells' deep understanding of human nature and her knack for constructing intricate mysteries shine through in 'Murder Will In'. I highly recommend 'Murder Will In' to fans of classic mystery novels and those who enjoy a well-crafted whodunit. Carolyn Wells' masterful storytelling and engaging characters make this book a must-read for anyone who appreciates a good mystery.


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