Deep Lake Mystery

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Deep Lake Mystery“

Carolyn Wells' 'Deep Lake Mystery' is a captivating detective novel that follows the sleuthing adventures of detective Pennington Wise and his sidekick Zizi as they attempt to solve a perplexing murder case. Wells' writing style is characterized by its vivid descriptions, fast-paced plot, and clever dialogue, making it a classic example of early 20th-century detective fiction. Set against the backdrop of a tranquil lakeside town, the book combines elements of mystery and suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final reveal. Wells' attention to detail and ability to create intricate plot twists showcase her talent as a master storyteller. Known for her popular detective series, Wells' 'Deep Lake Mystery' stands out as a standout addition to the genre, showcasing her unique storytelling abilities and keen insight into human nature. Fans of classic detective fiction and mystery enthusiasts will delight in the clever twists and turns of 'Deep Lake Mystery,' making it a must-read for anyone seeking an engaging and entertaining mystery novel.


Good Press




ca. 189





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