Who Killed Caldwell?

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Who Killed Caldwell?“

Carolyn Wells' 'Who Killed Caldwell?' is a classic murder mystery novel that captivates readers with its clever plot twists and engaging writing style. Set in the early 20th century, the book follows the investigation of the mysterious death of a wealthy businessman, Caldwell, with a host of suspects and motives. Wells masterfully weaves together clues and red herrings, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final reveal. Her attention to detail and intricate storytelling make 'Who Killed Caldwell?' a standout in the genre. Carolyn Wells, known for her mystery and detective fiction, brings her expertise to this gripping tale of deceit and intrigue. Her background in poetry and literature adds depth to the narrative, creating a rich tapestry of characters and setting. Fans of classic whodunits and intricate puzzle plots will be enthralled by Wells' skillful storytelling in 'Who Killed Caldwell?' A must-read for mystery lovers looking for a timeless and satisfying read.


Good Press




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