A Belly Full of Baby Tigers

Akita StarFire

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Beschreibung zu „A Belly Full of Baby Tigers“

Dravin, the were-mouse king, never wanted to rule. That was what alphas were for. But the fate of the kingdom was thrust upon him. Now, he must secure his position before his banished brother seizes the throne from right beneath his nose.

But fate had other plans.

Logan was a were-tiger for hire. He vowed to protect the king’s life at all costs. He didn’t know where they were going or why.

But something about the were-mouse intrigued him. He’d never met such a spunky, feisty omega before. Especially not one who calls himself king.

After a rocky start, the unlikely couple learn that they have much in common. Their love will be tested like steel forged in the flames.

Will their love bring them closer together or drive them apart?

Will Logan be able to protect his unborn babies or will he succumb to the dark side and help Dravin’s brother become king?

NO cheating, NO cliffhangers, just two unlikely lovers coming together to bring precious babies into the world.






ca. 46





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