The Alpha Tiger's Baby Bun Buns

MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter

Akita StarFire

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Beschreibung zu „The Alpha Tiger's Baby Bun Buns“


Roger, the omega were-rabbit, hated carrots.

His alpha and omega fathers, though, ran a carrot farm. And he was expected to learn the business.

But something happened at 777 LuckyFoot Lane. Something that would intertwine the lives of the QuickPaw and the Razdar clans, the were-tiger billionaire clan of bankers, together in a cruel twist of fate.

The elder banker dies suddenly. An accident befalls Roger’s alpha father in the carrot patch. Houses are suddenly foreclosed upon and elderly tenants are kicked out onto the streets. Or worse.

At the heart of it all are the Razdar brothers. Royce, a tiger of honor who wishes to follow in his father’s footsteps. And Anthony, who wants to run things his way.

Saving the omega rabbit, Razdar must uncover why his clients are being foreclosed upon. The father’s death was ruled natural causes, but there are doubts and suspicions.

Can a were-rabbit who hates carrots and a were-tiger set aside their differences long enough to acknowledge what they both know to be true? Can love really conquer all?

The truth must be revealed! Who was really responsible for Razdar’s alpha father’s death? Who was behind the cruel evictions and “accidents” that befell his clients?

And, most importantly, who put a bun in Roger’s oven?

This 50k word story contains an HEA, Mpreg, and babies at the end. Cute babies. Insufferable little tykes that get into all sorts of trouble.






ca. 152





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