The Alpha Lion's Baby Foxes

MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter

Akita StarFire


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Beschreibung zu „The Alpha Lion's Baby Foxes“

Roland had just been released from prison after two long, torturous years. In there, he’d met Lee, an officer, who’d taken an instant liking to him.


This was my chance! A chance at a new life. I could finally leave behind my dark past and - with the were-lion’s help - finally follow my passions and hopefully make something of myself.

But his past would not be so easily dismissed. Old habits die hard and when you have nowhere to go and nothing to eat, moral decisions become infinitely more difficult.


Was a were-lion who loved to chase the bad guys. Tall, golden-haired and as handsome as he was affable, he had the world in the palm of his hand. But what he didn’t have was…


Riley was the city’s notorious kingpin. Everywhere one turned, one would find Riley’s hand in the proverbial pie. Even the police were not immune.

And Riley wanted Roland back. Specifically, he wanted Roland to pull off the heist of the century.

Or he’d “take care” of Lee.

Would Roland turn his back on his mate, the father of his un-born children, and join forces with the dark criminal once again just to save Lee’s life? Or would he defy Riley and lose Lee?

Whatever the choice, it was one only a fiery fox could make.






ca. 20





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