The Murder of Roger Ackroyd: An Unforgettable Classic Mystery eBook

The Hercule Poirot Mysteries Book 4

Agatha Christie Bluefire Books

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Beschreibung zu „The Murder of Roger Ackroyd: An Unforgettable Classic Mystery eBook“

Immerse yourself in the intrigue and suspense of "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd," a captivating mystery eBook that stands as an unparalleled classic in the genre. Penned by a renowned author, this riveting tale delivers a masterclass in suspense, plot twists, and unerring detective work.

Set in the heart of a serene English village, tranquility breaks when a startling murder occurs. The story unfurls as a famed detective, known for his distinctive intellect and razor-sharp perception, unravels the mystery. With an ensemble of intriguing characters each concealing their own secrets, you'll be on the edge of your seat as the plot navigates unpredictable twists, culminating in a stunning revelation.

Optimized for Kindle, this digitized version of "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" delivers a seamless reading experience, preserving the essence of the classic while adapting to the needs of modern readers.

Über Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie schuf den modernen britischen Kriminalroman. Sie schrieb 68 Krimis, zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten, zwanzig Theaterstücke, eine Autobiographie, einen Gedichtband und – unter ihrem Pseudonym Mary Westmacott – sechs Romanzen. Sie gilt als die meistgelesene Schriftstellerin überhaupt. Die »Queen of Crime« verband ihre Lebenserfahrungen mit Phantasie, psychologischem Feinsinn, skurrilem Humor und Ironie. 1971 in den Adelsstand erhoben, starb sie im Alter von 85 Jahren am 12. Januar 1976.


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