About the Murder of a Startled Lady

Anthony Abbot

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Beschreibung zu „About the Murder of a Startled Lady“

When a seance reveals clues about a long-forgotten murder, Police Commissioner Thatcher Colt is skeptical but intrigued. A scientist-turned-parapsychologist claims a spirit told him of a woman named Madeline who was killed, dismembered, and stuffed into a box thrown into the ocean near a popular beach.

Unwilling to dismiss the outlandish story, Colt discreetly dispatches his men to investigate. To his shock, divers discover a decayed wooden box containing over 200 human bones...the fragmented remains of the alleged victim. Though Colt refuses to believe in spirits, he can't ignore that a supernatural tip-off has uncovered a decades-old crime.

This thrilling mystery will keep readers guessing as Colt pursues the cold case, questioning how a paranormal prophecy could uncover a body yet yield no clues about the motive or murderer.


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